Monday, February 7, 2011

Appetitive: Egyptology and Archives

The other day, a friend of the family posted an amazing link on her blog. Apparently, there is an entire internet archive of the materials from Tutankhamen's excavation. The archive, put together by Oxford University, is incredible.

Looking at some of the materials from the excavation, I remembered that one of my early pleasant encounters with non-fiction outside of a classroom was a book on Tutenkhamen. My parents bought me The Murder of Tutankhamen after Bob Brier, or as we called him, the Mummy Guy, came and spoke at my high school. He was a small, skinny man, with a large head and lamp-like blue eyes. Engaging, sweet, and knowledgeable, he quickly captivated his audience and even offered to be pied with whipped cream at the Halloween carnival. His book reads well and I can imagine that I would enjoy reading it again.
The Murder of Tutankhamen
Although I have never been a particularly devotee of Egyptology, I can certainly appreciate the field.

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