Monday, June 17, 2013

Spirited: Greek Dialects

Recently, I have been interested in the difference between the morphology in verbs of Attic and the other Greek dialects. I was wondering if anyone had specific recommendations for references speaking to this for Ionic, Aolic, Doric, and Koine. I would prefer to read something in English, but failing that, French, Latin, or German. Thoughts? Comment or email me.

1 comment:

  1. Carl Darling Buck's "The Greek Dialects" (1910) is still printed and is quite useful for its concision and scope, but it was written prior to the decipherment of Mycenean. For something more recent, I would recommend Geoffrey Horrocks' "Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers," now in its second edition, which extensively treats dialectology in Part I.
